About the Business
I am a Consultant Psychiatrist In Cognitive Behaviour Therapy at the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust and The Priory Hospital North London. I specialise in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), health anxiety, depression, and a specific phobia of vomiting (emetophobia). Our residents, who have mainly severe OCD and BDD, are with us for about 12 weeks and receive intensive CBT, relevant occupational therapy and compassionate mind training.
The Ugly Duckling - Reproduced by kind permission of PRIVATE EYE magazine and Len Hawkins When I first saw this cartoon, I groaned. I though that the cartoonist had misunderstood the nature of BDD, which is of course defined as a preoccupation and marked distress with a perceived defect which is not noticeable.
Location & Hours
The Bourne