About the Business
Having had a career of over several decades in Theatre, TV and the classical music industry, I retrained as a Counsellor/Supervisor. I have lived and practiced in both London and Glasgow. My therapeutic practice of over 12 years has taken me into both the Voluntary and Private sector. I subscribe to and am regulated by the codes of professional conduct and ethical standards of these professional associations, and attend fortnightly clinical supervision. I am an Accredited Member of BACP - this accreditation demonstrates that my professional association has judged my practice to meet their standards of being a competent, ethical and independent practitioner.
The BACP Register is the first psychological therapists' register to be accredited under a new scheme set up by the Department of Health and administered by an independent body, accountable to Parliament. I also engage in ongoing CPD (Continued Professional Development) demonstrating both professional commitment and accountability.
Location & Hours

5 La Belle Place