About the Business
I'm an experienced counsellor & supervisor working within the Person-Centred tradition, particularly using Focusing. I've a lot of experience of working with adults and young people. I have an additional qualification in CBT for Person Centred therapists. I aim to create a reflective space in which the work of therapy can take place. Person centred therapy is about relationship, compasssion, authenticity, presence and the challenge of meeting another person as truthfully and openly as I can. I am also a qualified Zero Balancer. ZB, Zee Bee (Zero Balancing) is a form of body therapy which can help with a number of issues, especially stress, anxiety and depression. I started receiving it and loved it so much that I decided to train so that I could offer it to others alongside counselling or separately.
If you're interested and want to contact me, then do email on sueakehurst@gmail.com or ring me on 07944 394245. We can have a quick chat and fix up an introductory appointment.
Location & Hours

26 Wake Green Road